Plum, American - Bareroot Bundle
Wild plum, also called American plum is a small, fast-growing, short-lived, colony-forming native tree, commonly found along fencerows, open fields, and roadsides. The American plum is a small tree that is native throughout much of the central United States. It produces 1”, reddish-purple plums that are best suited for jams or jellies. Though it does grow fruit, this tree is typically planted for ornamental and wildlife value.
Best conditions are a well-drained soil, sunny site for fruit production; however wild plum can tolerate shade. Flowering occurs from March-May and fruit ripens from August to September. The plant has fruit every year and branches can be pruned or cut back to increase production.
American plum can spread by seed but mainly by underground roots. It does not seem to spread from its original plantings and when it does spread by seed, the rate is not alarming.